On the subject of Bigfoot being an inter-dimensional entity…

September 19, 2014 § 4 Comments

Here’s a great Mysterious Universe article from paranormal researcher and author Nick Redfern. It nicely summarizes the more paranormal aspects of Bigfoot encounters. Check it out: Bigfoot: An Inter-Dimensional Entity.

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§ 4 Responses to On the subject of Bigfoot being an inter-dimensional entity…

  • Gatekeeper says:

    Before we begin here, first thing I want to point out this is all speculation unless someone here has already travelled between dimensions or talked to Bigfoot. I say no to inter-dimensional and here is the number one reason. If you are eating, drinking and breathing then your biology is meant to survive in this environment. I can’t image the odds for an exact earth like environment to exist on another planet let alone within another realm. Until another earth like environment within another dimension is shown to me where I can enter into, Sasquatch remains an earth bound creature. Second what organism can generate enough energy at will to rip a hole in time and space? But if you going with the inter-dimensional thing then there must be portals around for it to travel through which then open up something new that I will not get into. Now before continuing just to remind everyone this is speculation. I would give more credit to the theories that Bigfoot holds supernatural abilities or a shape shifter than consider inter-dimensional being. What I propose is a small population of humanoid species with human like intelligence that have been able to out smart everyone


    • Umar Ansari says:

      Hello Gatekeeper,

      That’s an interesting theory. But let me clarify, in case you weren’t aware of this, the shape-shifting qualities of these entities are included in the inter-dimensional hypothesis (IDH). Also, when we say inter-dimensional, we’re not implying that these entries are from another world and that they can enter into our world at will. On the contrary, according to the IDH, this phenomena exists side-by-side our world, but in a different dimension of space and time. i will be writing a more elaborate response to this in a blog post later on.

      Thanks for the comment, and again, interesting theory!



  • Gatekeeper says:

    Thank for responding Now in reviewing my earlier post, its seems I may not be clarifying to what I was getting at. Let me try this again. Straight to the point, there are times when you need to pause on certain ideas or theories and examine if the are becoming preposterous. As in my attempt in my earlier post to try and explain how this is in the case of Bigfoot. I have heard everything from Bigfoot is lost evolution link to a supernatural being. Now the proposed idea that Sasquatch could be alien or an inter dimensional being is going a bit further in complexity to what may be a more simplified answer to why Bigfoot has been so elusive for decades. My self I believe Bigfoot to be plausible but if we assume the creature is real and why no had evidence can be found, then in looking at a simple explaination as an intelligence species with skills and knowledge in evading detection. Now if you go to the realm of the paranormal in explaining how Sasquatch hides from everyone, I would give more credit to believing the creature being is more supernatural then inter dimensional When I stated shape shifting in my earlier post, I define it as a supernatural ability as like werewolf in European legend. This means that an earth born human holds the ability to transform into Sasquatch then revert back. This is a one of the new theories I have came across in the past few years in explaining why Bigfoot cannot be found. Whether real or not I don’t know as everything here we are talking about, as mentioned before, is all speculation. There is no physical evidence you or I can produce to either support or disprove anything we said here. I sure you may not agree with my opinion on this matter and I can give a novel on to reasons why Bigfoot is not inter dimensional, but we might as well be arguing on who is stronger superman or the hulk. The article has given me some insight and my comment is nothing more to bring a pause to a theory I believe is adding complexity to more simpler answer. Thank you for your time.


  • […] by a user named Gatekeeper. The comment was made under one of my earlier blog posts titled, “On the subject of Bigfoot being an Inter-Dimensional Entity“. The post referred to an article published on Mysterious Universe by paranormal researcher […]


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